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Nil Salentinn is a research project aimed at creating new tools for editing and finishing video and Film. Many editing systems while digital still have their interface roots in tape or film editing, and therefor they do not take full advantage of the possibilities of digital.
The Nil Salentin project aims to develop new tools to drastically change the editing and finishing experience and speed up the process and boost creativity.
The concepts are designed to be so simple that they can be used by all members of a film crew and help assemble on set rough cuts, viewing of digital dailies, as well as being a hub for notes, reference material, storyboards and annotations.
A particular interest is to create FX and touch ups on footage in the < 20 minute range,and push the boundaries of what can be done in the editing bay towards FX to reduce the number of shots that needs full 3D FX treatment that is very time and money consuming, while keeping the simplicity for the operator.
If you have any questions regarding Nil Salentinn contact Eskil Steenberg. for details.
