Happy new year!

Ive had an exhausting year.

I started the year as a full time CTO, and then I had to take over as a fulltime CEO on top of that.

Add to that some tight deadlines, a sometimes sick kid, and trying to keep up with the ISO C standard and things have been very busy indeed.

But with the help of my team, board, and my family and friends I somehow made it.

It has been a grind, but I have learned a lot, and grown a lot.

I'm really looking forward to 2023, because a lot of the hard work is about to bear fruit.

If you want to catch up drop me a line!

Last year my new year's resolution was to take some time to consume some high quality media. This has been an utter failure, Ive had no time watch or play anything, to such a degree that I for a while doubted i could put together a list this year (I have literally watched one feature film this year) but here we go, here are the things from 2022 that I think deserves a second look if you haven't

Kids book of the year
This is a category on which I can speak with some authority given that I read 4 of them every day. Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth, by Oliver Jeffers

Art book of the year
Anime Architecture Some of the greatest background paintings from Anime.

Toy brand of the year
PlayForever They are just as cool as they are expensive, and for once they are toy cars that actually roll well.

Podcast of year:
Playbook deep dive. It's a Podcast about politics, but not the kind of politics you hear about. It's about the mechanics of power and influence. The host Ryan Lizza records conversations often over drinks with people who you have never heard of but who are in the room where it happens. Episode quality varies with guests, but when it's good it's amazing. I'm adding a list of some of my favorite episodes. If it doesn't sound like your thing, please just listen to the last 10 minutes of episode E357.

E381 Dream job Disapointment: Testifying against Trump
E376 When Senator Leahy laughed with Raul Castro
E372 Legalize the trip: One shroom advocates playbok
E370 LA wants to recall its most progressive procecutor
E365 Directors Cut: What else did Judge Luttig have to say about Jan. 6
E358 Haddad dishes on more than brunch
E357 ‘You only win if you fight:' Will Gallego unseat Sinema?
E351 The man fighting for Ukraine in DC
E342 What Jo Manchin told Steve Clemons at dinner
E341 Jamie Raskin's plan to hold Trump accountable

Croud funding campaign of year:
core-collapse-supernova .

Song of the year:
Handsome Boy Modeling School. A throwback to the Trip-Hop i have missed.

Film of the year:
Everything everywhere all at once. I did only see one film this year but it did turn out to be good!

Guilty pleasure song of the year:
Song Olivia Lobato - Syrener (Swedish)

Coffee table book of the year
Mad dreams and monsters. The works of Phil Tippet, the greatest stop motion animator ever.

Photo of the year:
A boy who survived the Kherson occupation.

Youtuber of the year:
Perun, gamer turned military analyst. His takes on the war are long, well researched and very thoughtful

Proof that irony is dead of the year

Article of the year
We're going to need a lot of solar panels It's long and full of facts and figures, but if you are looking for hope, spare some time and read it. It may be the most important development post industrialization.

Hardware of the year
The Varjo VR headset. I had many VR headsets but have never been a convert, but a private demo given to me blew me away. For industrial use, this is amazing.

Loss of the year
Mikhail Gorbachev, in no way a perfect man, but a reminder that even in the most rigid system, positive reform is possible.

Documenary of the year:
Light & Magic, I'm a nerd for behind the scenes and this is the mother load.

Software of the year:
Cascadeur, Reinventing character animation.

Computer of the year
Frontier Finally the first Exa-scale computer goes online.

Philosophy solution of the year
The Trolley problem solved by Hardmaru
(This perfectly illustrates that the solution to the Trolley problem is to not accept the premise that we have to sacrifice lives in order to save lives. That false premise is the basis of so much suffering and wars)

Revival song of the year:

Educational video of the year:
Freya Holmers Excellent "The Continuity of Splines". So easy to follow and beautifully animated. Truly shows Youtubes potential as an education tool. The Continuity of Splines

Hardware trend of the year:
Raspberry PI Cyberdecks. It's the kind of hardware future I want, kit-bashed custom made, DIY and very Cyberpunk. I want one but i have no idea what use i would have for it.

Comic of the of the year:
The scumbag. What if the one given super powers, was the worst possible person? Honorable mention to "Crowded" that ended an excellent run.

TV Show of the year:
The Peripheral. (I haven't finished watching it so don't spoil it for me) "The Boys" keeps being great too.

Cooking show of the year:

Science of the year:
National Ignition laboratory achieving fusion.
I still think small scale magnetic field containment reactors are the way forward but this is a big deal.

Feature of the year:
Visual Studio 2022s Hot reload. This speeds up development of graphical applications enormously where you can tweek anything and get very fast feedback. Visual studio has many faults, but it still runs circles around the competition.

Magazine of the year:
Character Design Quarterly. Lovely art and insights from great artists. Quarterly is also about the rate I can handle a publication.

News letter of the year
Graphics Programming weekly by Jendrik Illner. This is really an amazing way to keep up with graphics programming.

Game announcement of the year
Stormgate. After 12 years of enjoying Starcraft 2 I can't wait for the beta next year.

App of the year:
Sky Guide I needed it to show my son the moon, but it has opened up the universe.

Trip of the year:
The road trip Richard Lemarchand took me on to Point Reyes Everytime I meet him, I come out amazed with all the smart things he said, and all the smart things he pulled out of me.

Wisdom of the year:
The world is eventually ruled by those who make things come into existence. Make things.

Thing I learned year:
Lots of things about running a company.

Plans for the new year:
Show the world what we have been working on. Make the very best of it, whatever it will bring.

Man of the year:
Zelensky, who else? Next year may you bring this war to its rightful end.

Finally, I usually end with the best thing of the year, but this time I want to end with the worst. I wish I could end it another way, but this is important. The worst thing of the year, is the man whos vanity, has forced parents to write names and contact information on their children's bodies with sharpy, because they expect that either they or their children's bodies will be found.

It reminds me of a short speech given by Swedish Priminister Olof Palme (who himself was murdered) about the bombings of Vietnam:
"You should call things what they are and what is going on today in Vietnam is a form of torture. What you are doing now is torturing people. Torturing a nation to humiliate it, to force it into submission under language of power. And therefore the bombings are an atrocity. And of that we have many examples in modern history. And they are generally connected by a name: Guernica, Oradour, Babij Jar, Katyń, Lidice, Sharpeville, Treblinka. There, violence has triumphed . But the judgment of posterity has fallen hard on those who bore the responsibility. Now a new name is added to the line: Hanoi, Christmas 1972."

Bucha, Mariupol, Izium 2022.

We shall never forget what was done to the Ukrainian people,
and who the perpetrators where.

Lets make 2023 better

Have a great new year!

Missed last year? Have a look back at 2021 if you dare